Dry food applications

For application on packaging of dry food (pasta, rice, tea, coffee, cereals and confectionary) the product is displayed on the supermarket shelf in an attractive and visually appealing way, capturing the consumer’s attention, as it perfectly integrates with the graphic line of the product itself thanks to the material’s conformability.

Wet applications

Wet applications (cleansing sanitizing wipes, wet and cosmetic wipes) need to come in flexible packaging with a high-tear resistant label, to keep the contents fresh. Being able to carry cleansing wipes around has never been more relevant than it is today, and our range makes it that little more convenient.

Wet wipes patented solution

Our patented Open&Close solution can be made from the same material as the flexible packaging it is part of. Our patented labeling solution replicates the function of traditional rigid plastic lids, staying open during use for convenient access from flexible packaging. The entire packaging is mono-material, making it easier to recycle.

Discover our wet wipes patented solution
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In which industries can I use Open&Close labels?

Beauty, Home & Personal Care